Friday, October 5, 2012

Reinforcements - 30mm Flats

I recently received a spot bonus at work, allowing me to rationalize getting more flats.  These three sets offered by Alexander Wilken really caught my eye. The figures are actually edited by Wohlmann; but unlike a certain large and well-known flats dealer, he doesn't overcharge for acting as middle man, nor for the shipping costs.  Figures now en route from Germany.

These quite caught my eye: the reiters are disinctive and although both sets of landsknechts are in marching poses, I think they won't look at all bad combined together in a battle formation.  I tried using Picasa's Invert Colors function on these, essentially it turns the photos into negatives.  I'm pleased with the effect, a bit strange but effectively accentuating the beauty of the engravings.

Meanwhile, I'm still working away on the 40mm customs and hope to pick up a new camera this weekend.


  1. Great looking flats. Look forward to your painting them up ... Jeff

  2. These are nice castings. 3rd Qtr 16tC based on clothing and the Reiters. The Wars of Religion come to mind.

  3. Thanks Jeff & Ross. I'm looking forward to the painting too.

    I agree, Wars of Religion or can probably get away with compromising on the last Hapsburg-Valois War (1551 - 1559) as my Wilken "landsknechts" are somewhat earlier 16th Century in style.


  4. Steve,

    Murdock over on Murdock's Marauders blog has some flats and was wondering about how to paint them . . . perhaps you could pass on some tips:

    And I must say that your flats always look wonderful to me (and I have no interest in flats except to admire them).

    -- Jeff

  5. Thanks for the kind commnents, Jeff. And I'll drop by the Marauder's blog.

