Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Still Alive and Kicking

I have to say it, I've turned out to be a very poor blogger.  My wife and I took a vacation to Europe from mid-July into August, so of course there was a reasonable break in the postings here, but several more weeks have elapsed of complete silence for which there is little excuse. 

From a hobby stand point I have been busy, but not with the ships. Completed a long term partially completed unit of 40mm Prince August cavalry:

And most recently, I've been hard at work on a battalion of Wargames Factory 28mm plastic War of the Spanish Succession infantry.  Great figures for the price.  As they are somewhat generic troops, I have decided (after long resisting it), to climb aboard the Imagi-nations bandwagon.  Hence this unit will be the first for the "almost France" Kingdom of Burgundy.

To explain, my wargaming enthusiasms run in cycles.  I have careened back and forth between many eras and conflicts (with the usual byproduct of accumulated lead). But there are some primary favorites that sooner or later I always return to: 1) Early 18th Century,  2) Ancients, 3) ca.1900-era Naval, 4) Post-WW2/Modern (this latter one fueled mainly by System Soft Alpha turn-based tactical warfare video games).

All of which leads me to believe that I may have painted myself into a corner by making this a dedicated naval blog as opposed to creating a more all-inclusive one.  There are those who can skillfully juggle multiple blogs and manage to keep them all active and engaging.  Pretty clearly, I am not blessed with the "multi-tasking" talent when it comes blogging.  So far as painting and modeling go, by nature I tend to concentrate on one thing at a time to the exclusion of the rest.

To sum up, I'm pondering which direction to take this blogging thing.  I'm leaning towards keeping this blog as is, but creating creating a companion "land" blog which will be left generic enough to encompass everything else not belonging in this one.  I welcome your thoughts.


  1. Hi Steve,

    Welcome back! I must confess that I would also struggle to run multiple blogs - better to stick with one and diversify the content if the need arises.

    Lovely job with the PA 40mms - very old school looking and the plastics have come out really nicely as well.

    All the best,


  2. I started with one blog for a specific project (my OS 25mm Persians) and another which turned into a general blog. I soon realized that I didn;t need the 1st blog, using labels is an easy way to create a "blog within a blog", allowing posts on a given subject to be extracted and reviewed.

    I have recently started extra blogs but these are a cheat and are really designed as static webpages once they are done. I'd say stay with one. Keep the title, change the description and label posts (naval, 18thC etc).

    The 28mm plastic figures look good, but not as good as the 40mm cavalry! (even considering my prejudices). Is that the Orleans Cavalry?

  3. David & Ross,

    Thanks for your feedback, gentlemen ! And thank you as well for the kind words about the figures. Yes, they are generically French, although no particular regiment. Could well be Orleans though.

    Best regards,

  4. Spiffing 40mm PA regeiment of cavalry; 28mm WSS infantry nice as well.

    -- Allan

  5. Thanks for the kind words, Allen. I've been doing PA off and on for quite a while but the WF figures are new for me. One thing that inspired me to start on them was your Monrovian regiment on the Kingdom of Wittenberg blog.


  6. 18th C. Imagi-Nation? Cheers!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood!

    Now, if I may... since your blog covers very different topics, what about labeling your posts? It can be done afterwards under the 'Edit posts' utility. Hopefully your blog will grow, and labels are so reader friendly when visitors -newcomers discovering your blogs or 'veterans' in search of a reference- wish to explore its archives.

    Best regards and wishes,

  7. Welcome, Jean-Louis.

    Thank you for the kind welcome to the world of Imagi-nations ! Yes, I plan to incorporate the topic labeling function before long. Been too busy painting to spend much time here but finally nearing completion of the WF infantry battalion. And I have a lot of painted figures to post pictures of sooner or later, will definitely need the labels to keep it all straight.


  8. Btw, since Burgundy is 'quasi-French', why not giving it its French name: Bourgogne?
    (Or even Aquilogne, the French rendition of Conan's Aquilonia, specially if you choose an eagle as its heraldic device?)

  9. Strong suggestions, Jean-Louis. I'm taking them into consideration. By the way, the WF battalion is finished. I plan to photograph the completed unit tomorrow.

