Tuesday, March 18, 2014
BMP-1: Card Model
Here's a card model I built recently, Paper Forge's BMP-1. The default scale is 1/48, a bit small relative to my troops which are more 40mm (give or take a few millimeters). However, 1/48 and 1/43 armor & vehicles fit the size of the soldiers well enough for my purposes.
This and other models such as the T-72, Abrams tanks and the Humvee can be found at Wargamer Vault, PDF file downloads for the princely sum of $1.99. Not bad at all considering that once you have the files, unlimited vehicles can then be fabricated at no additional cost. The parts sheets have a helpful conversion table giving the % of print scale to make the models as anything from 1/35 to 1/144.
For the Russian vehicles, the files come with two different versions, green and tan. The US comes in woodlands camo and tan. The Russian green is nice, with the appearance of mud on the tracks and hull. But the details on the tan version look a little crisper to me. In the case of the BMP, everything fits on one parts sheet.
This is a very well designed kit. Very simple to build, yet sturdy. The braces keep the hull true so that the tracks sit flush once you've completed the build.
And the end result. Yes, it's simplified in that there are no headlights, the tracks aren't flared out away from the hull and so on. But I think it captures nicely the look of the cramped sardine can for infantry that is the Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty. In any case, detailed or not it works just fine in my simple imagi-nations context.
I did some things to it, substituted a styrene cannon barrel (although you could just as easily go with the rolled paper), styrene driver's/TC's optics, used an extra parts sheet with cereal box cardboard-backed hatches and fenders to make the details pop a little more. And I painted the green camo pattern. Water is death to paper models, but you can get away with using water-based paint on them providing you dry the brush thoroughly after rinsing. The 40mm HLBS crew figure shows the vehicle is a bit undersized, but not outlandlishly so.
I'm now nearly finished with the T-72 and will post about it soon.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
PA Cavalry Conversion 2: 40mm Home Casting
Finally got around to painting the first casting from the modification of the Prince August cavalry figure. Conversion on the left, original on the right:
The verdict ? I have mixed feelings about this. The horse and the rider's coat show minor improvements. But to my eyes, it looks like bulking up the hat was a mistake. In the abstract, it wasn't a bad idea to fix the rider's flattish tricorne. However I missed something when enumerating the figure's flaws: not only the horse's head is too big, so is the rider's. What I did here only accentuated it.
Still an okay figure but I'm not excited about it. May hold off for a bit to see what Prince August unveils in the new range of 7YW molds, hopefully some nice cavalry is in the offing.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Airfix Modern British Infantry: 1/48 Plastic
I recently purchased a box of Airfix modern infantry with the idea of using them with my Green forces. On paper, this seemed like a good idea as my few 1/48 HLBS modern infantry figures (a range now sadly defunct) match pretty well with the other figures I have. The back of the box image sold me on the purchase. The poses are fairly static in patrolling mode but there looked to be some useful guys in the box.
The raw materials. The figures aren't multi-part in the sense of having a lot of options right out of the box, although not doubt some customization can be done. Things fit well enough together (except for the scrawny necks), although the arms aren't clearly defined as to what angle they need to be mounted in order to grasp the spindly assault rifles. Using plastic model glue there's time to make adjustments before it sets, super glue is a lot more problematic in that respect.
As soon as I saw the size of the parts, I knew I had a problem. From left to right, Airfix, HLBS, plastic army guy:
The Airfix soldier measures 33mm from the boots to the eyes, HLBS is 38mm. Seems hard to believe a major model company could muff the scale, so we can say then that the HLBS were "heroic" 1/48, a virtual 40mm. Still, I'm curious how the Airfix might scale up against the Tamiya 1/48 WW2 figures, although I'm not about to purchase a box purely in the interest of research.
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Despite his deformity, Private Pencil Neck somehow passed the army's physical exam. |
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Cloning a Clone: Plastic Army Guys
Everyone has seen them, those ubiquitous bags of cheap plastic made-in-China clone soldiers hanging on the rack in seemingly every supermarket and drug store in the US. Do kids even play with these anymore ? Maybe just big kids like us. As often as not, they're 35-45mm knockoffs of their 54mm plastic army men brethren, the Airfix or Timmee roots clear to see. I've posted about them before.
Inspired by the engrossing series Jono's World at the Archduke Piccolo blog, I decided to to take another crack at these. In this case, I modied one of the figures for the evil Tan forces. The raw materials in this bag are two main types of soldiers. The Vietnam era guys seem to be copies in the Timmee style. But others look like British WW2 infantry from the neck down, capped off with US M1 style steel pots. This helmet had a good long run from WW2 until the Fritz in the mid-80's, wore one myself (now over 40 years ago, wow !).
Here is the candidate figure, selected for his appealing and useful assaulting pose. The main change was was substituting an AK for his WW2 rifle (Enfield ?), brass wire for the barrel and green stuff magazine and front sight. That and giving him boots for a more Russian sort of look, plus a rucksack to cover the old-fashioned web gear.
And for added strength and repeatability, made a mold to cast the figure in metal.
The result ? Not too bad and he certainly meets my needs.
The BMP in the background is a cheap and simple paper model. More about this in a subsequent post. For now, I'm belatedly painting the first example of the modified cavalryman.
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